Yoga Nidra is a unique yogic practice. It is a form of guided meditation incorporating breath and visualisation techniques. It is often called “the meditative heart 💗 of modern yoga”.

Traditionally Yoga Nidra is practised lying down (but if you have medical issues which prevent this, you can sit in a chair). Anyone can do Yoga Nidra regardless of their fitness level even those suffering from serious health conditions, it:

• Is a very accessible meditation practice.

• Is very soothing and deeply restorative, calming the entire nervous system.

• Is particularly effective in alleviating stress, anxiety and insomnia.

• Has a positive effect on both your mental and physical wellbeing.

• Gives you momentary relief from your habitual thought patterns.

• Can be used to transform negative habits, behaviours and ways of thinking.

• Improves mental resilience.

Many people who have struggled with other forms of meditation say this practice has transformed their understanding of what meditation is.